8th grade Parents: Pizza order pick up is tomorrow from 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm in the cafeteria. Thank you.
over 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
Junior High Parents: Parent Teacher Conferences are this coming Wednesday, October 23rd and Thursday, October 24th from 4:00 pm to 7:30 p.m. Please be sure to complete the form sent home with your student to schedule a time for your conference if you have not done so already. This form can be returned to Mrs. Hall with your student on Monday. Thank you and have a great weekend.
over 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
Volleyball parents: There will be a brief ice cream party from 3:30pm to 4:00 pm Wednesday, October 16th in the gym. Uniforms need to be returned to the office. Thank you.
over 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
8th Grade Parents: Pizza order forms and money are due to the office by 3:00 pm tomorrow. Thank You.
over 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
Volleyball will have practice tonight, Tuesday, October 1st.
over 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
Volleyball and Soccer Parents: The Volleyball game tonight against Lisbon has been CANCELLED due to a power outage at the school. Soccer will still be playing their game at 5:00. The Volleyball game will be rescheduled for Tuesday, October 8th at Lisbon. Thank you!
over 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
The soccer game that is scheduled today, Friday, September 27th against Newark has been CANCELLED. The volleyball game will still be played as scheduled. Thank you!
over 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
To Junior High Soccer Players: The makeup day for the soccer game against Serena will be Tuesday, October 8th at 4:15 pm here at Paw Paw Schools.
over 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
This message is for parents of 5th-8th girls. Reminder: fall basketball league registration is due to the school by Friday, September 6. Please contact Erin Odle at 815.994.2433 with questions. This is a great way to get ready for school basketball. Thank you.
over 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
Soccer game is cancelled due to the weather. Volleyball game is still on. Sept. 3, 2019.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Westbrook
Congratulations to the approved Paw Paw Junior High FFA chapter and to Ag teacher, Jeff Svendsen. Mr. Svendsen successfully petitioned to have our section moved to the same FFA section that our high school students belong to. We just got the official announcement!
over 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
This is a Message from Erin Odle, junior high volleyball coach: Paw Paw Junior High Volleyball would like to welcome any 5th grade girl to join our 2019 volleyball team. Physicals and forms need to be turned into the office before the girls can practice. You can get a physical from your family doctor or from a local clinic. Practices are weekdays at the school from 3:30 - 5PM. Girls need to have good tennis shoes that don't slip and knee pads. They can join practice starting today, Friday, August 16 if they have everything turned in. Please contact Coach Erin at 815.994.2433 with any questions.
over 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
Indian Creek High School begins their school year tomorrow, August 14th. Just a reminder that High School students that are taking the shuttle bus in the morning to Indian Creek High School need to be at Paw Paw School by 7:50am. Have a great evening.
over 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
Bus to Indian Creek: Students who are attending Indian Creek High School must meet at Paw Paw School at 7:50 am for the bus to IC.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Westbrook
This is Eve Phillips, Principal at Paw Paw Schools. I am calling to invite you all to our Open House & School Supply Drop Off this WEDNESDAY, August 14th from 5pm - 6pm. This is a chance to meet the teachers and drop off school supplies in their classroom. Also, we wanted to invite everyone to our Back to School Bash this SATURDAY, August 17th from 10am - Noon here at the school. We have lots of fun, free activities for the students. I’m looking forward to a great school year. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. Thank you and have a great evening.
over 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
School Board Meeting Monday August 12, 2019. 7:pm In the Board Meeting Room in the JH Wing.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Westbrook
This is a message from Erin Odle, Junior High volleyball coach at Paw Paw: This is a reminder that the Paw Paw Volleyball camp is Monday, Aug. 5 through Thursday, Aug 8. Kindergarten through 4th grade will be from 8:30 - 9:30 AM. 5th through 8th grade will be from 9:30 through 11:30 AM. Both will be in the high school gym. Please bring your $5 per player if you haven't already paid. Also, Jr. High volleyball practice will begin August 13. 6th through 8th grade girls are invited to join us. We will decide whether 5th graders will be pulled up once we know our numbers. We will practice August 13 - 16 from 3:30 - 5:00 PM. On Thursay, students need to go home after the noon dismissal and return for practice at 3:30. On Friday, and every day after that, there will be a classroom designated with a supervisor for any players wishing to stay at school after the 2:55 dismissal until 3:30 when practice begins. If taking advantage of this opportunity, the players will be required to remain in the room until the coach arrives. If a player doesn't wish to use this resource time, they must leave school and return for practice at 3:30. Players will not be allowed to be in the hallways or on school grounds without supervision. Practices for the rest of the season will be determined during this first week of practice. This information will be posted on the school live feed and facebook. Thank you and have a great evening.
over 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
From the Nurse about Health Requirements for Students: We will need the following forms: Kindergarten students: school physical, eye doctor form, dental form* 2nd grade students - dental form* 6th grade: school physical (will cover the sports physical) dental form* 9th grade: school physical* (will cover the sports physical) Sport physicals for all students who are going out for sports at Paw Paw Jr. High School is required. *All students are eligible to take advantage of the mobile dentist to be held this fall to fulfill the requirements for a dental exam for K, 2nd, and 6th grade or you may go to your family dentist. **REMEMBER: Students entering 6th and 12th grade will need to show proof of recent meningococcal conjugate vaccination, MCV, (meningitis vaccination); 6th grade dose is to be on or after 11 years of age; 12th grade is 2nd dose unless the first dose was after 16 years of age.
over 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
View February 2019 newsletter https://5il.co/6gfy
about 6 years ago, Admin
Please click the following link to participate in the 5Essentials Parent Survey. 5Essentials Parent Survey link http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/ The survey closes February 15, 2019.
about 6 years ago, Stan Adcock