Hello Paw Paw Parents & Guardians! This is Eve Phillips, Principal at Paw Paw Schools. The staff has made a video for you. Please check your email, school website or our school Facebook page. Please share with your children and let them know we miss them! Stay safe & healthy.
over 4 years ago, Eve Phillips
Paw Paw District #271 March 16, 2020 Update Dear Parents/Guardians: Thank you for your flexibility and patience as Paw Paw Schools navigate this health event in our community and our nation. You will be receiving regular updates from the district throughout the school closure. Below is information for this week: Educational Materials The Paw Paw Staff has put together Alternative Learning Packets for all students Kindergarten through 8th grade. Packets will be available at the school TODAY, March 16th from 2 pm - 3:30 pm and on Tuesday, March 17th from 11am - 12:30 pm. Parents can remain in their cars. Staff will be waiting at the doors to hand you the materials for your child(ren). All pickup locations will be labeled as follows. Last Names from A-E will pick up outside the Elementary Doors Last Names F-M will pick up outside the Main Doors Last Names N-Z will pick up outside the Junior High wing by the Soccer Field Doors Teachers will use email, Class Dojo or the Remind App to be in communication with you. Lunches Lunches will be available for all Paw Paw Students/ Indian Creek High School Students in Paw Paw on March 17, 18. 19, 20 and 30 from 11am - 12:30 pm. Pick ups will take place at the following: Last Names from A-E will pick up outside the Elementary Doors Last Names F-M will pick up outside the Main Doors Last Names N-Z will pick up outside the Junior High wing by the Soccer Field Doors ALL Indian Creek/Paw Paw HS Students will pick up outside the doors by the playground/top of the hill Teacher Hours Our teachers will be available to answer messages through Class Dojo, Remind or email between the hours of 9 am and 2:00 pm. Daily communications should be coming to you from your child's teachers. The staff will be observing Spring Break (March 23rd - 27th); regular communication will begin again on March 30. Office Hours The main office at Paw Paw School District will be open this week from 8 am - 3:00 pm Please call if you have any questions: 815-627-2671 Please contact the office with questions. We are here to assist you and your children throughout the school closure. Thank you for your patience and flexibility! Eve Phillips Principal
almost 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
Parents/Guardians: Please check your email, Facebook or School Website for an important update from Paw Paw CUSD #271.
almost 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
Parents/Guardians: Please check your email accounts for an important message about school lunches this week. If you are unable to check your emails, please call the main office at 815-627-2671 by 3:00 pm today. Thank you for your assistance.
almost 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
Parents, Guardians and Staff: Note: There will be no student attendance from March 16 through March 30, 2020. Due to an increase in nearby counties with confirmed cases of COVID-19, the Paw Paw District will not hold school on Monday, March 16 as previously stated. This decision was made after the Governor’s Press Conference late afternoon today. Teachers and Staff will be reporting on Monday, March 16, to prepare Alternative Education Plans for students. We will have more information on distribution of learning materials for you tomorrow. We will hold the regular Board of Education meeting on Monday evening and are asking that everyone observe social distancing protocols as requested by the health departments. As this health situation evolves, we may have to make changes to our decisions and protocols as needed.
almost 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
Today, Governor Pritzker announced that all Illinois schools will be closed beginning March 17 and will reopen March 31 to help slow the spread of the coronavirus. Paw Paw students are expected to be at school for a regular school day on March 16. At that time, we will be sending home alternate education plans that may include an online component, handouts or packets. Packets will contain educational materials for March 17, 18, 19, and 20. The School Board Meeting will be held on Monday night as scheduled. All other activities, athletics, and facility rentals are canceled until the reopening of school on March 30. Governor Pritzker may extend the cancellation so please plan accordingly. Social distancing is an important component of our pandemic planning, reducing the potential for exposure if the virus is found in our community. This is an unprecedented event in our lifetime. This public health emergency is evolving rapidly, and we will continue to inform you as quickly as we can of any changes. Any student with planned travel to an affected region should contact the school to report their plans; those who develop concerning symptoms will be immediately referred to the health department. We encourage you to follow the travel advisories from the U.S. Department of State and the CDC. This is an unprecedented event in our lifetime. This public health emergency is evolving rapidly, and we will continue to adapt and adjust our plan based on the most up-to-date information. Thank you for your assistance in keeping our students and community healthy. Please contact the school office with questions: 815-627-2671 or Principal Eve Phillips - ephillips@2paws.net Interim Superintendent- Lynn Gibson - lgibson@2paws.net
almost 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
Important Notice About JR. 10 Conference Activities The Jr. 10 Conference continues to actively monitor reports on COVID-19 and follow guidance from the Illinois Department of Public Health and local health departments. They has decided to postpone the Jr. 10 Spelling Bee at Serena High School scheduled for March 17, 2020. We are evaluating each Conference event as the situation continues to evolve. All decisions are being made with the safety and well being of our students in mind, and we are being as responsive as possible with the information we are gathering.
almost 5 years ago, Jeff Westbrook
8th Grade Parents: There will be a short meeting on Wednesday February 26th in the cafeteria following the girls game/8th grade night to discuss the 8th grade class trip. Please notify Amber Edwards for information if you are unable to attend the meeting.
almost 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
Parents/Guardians: This is a message to let you know that we WILL be transporting students who ride the bus home today after our noon dismissal. So sorry for the inconvenience this may of caused this morning. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
We sincerely apologize for the late notice. Due to the cold weather we are having trouble with our bus transportation. For K-8 students, if you are not able to get your children to school, it will be an excused absence. High School students should come to the school and we will transport them to Indian Creek.
almost 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
Due to the forecasted ice and snow, Paw Paw Schools will be canceling the 8th Grade Basketball Tournament tomorrow, January 18th.
almost 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
Parents/Guardians: With many of our students being absent because of illnesses, we wanted to send out this reminder of the School District’s policy on Attendance as stated in the Student/Parent Handbook. Regular attendance is a key factor for students’ success in school. Students should be absent from school only when absolutely necessary, as classroom activity cannot be made up. Discussions, homework help on assignments and participation are lost to those who are absent. Once a student reaches the limitation of nine (9) absence days (whether excused or unexcused), the District will only excuse absences for illness of the student as documented by a doctor’s note or being sent home by the school nurse/office staff for a qualifying illness (temperature above 100 degrees, vomiting/diarrhea, etc). It is also important to remember that students must be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school from a fever or after vomiting/diarrhea. Students will be sent home if they return to school before the 24 hours. This is to ensure the health of other students in the building. Students who are unexcused will not receive credit for classroom work missed. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Eve Phillips, Principal at Paw Paw Schools.
almost 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
Due to the forecasted ice and snow, Paw Paw School will be canceling the 7th Grade Basketball Tournament tomorrow, January 11th. The girls will still have practice tonight. Also, the Junior High Winter Formal Dance at Earlville High School that is schedule for Saturday January 11th is being cancelled and rescheduled for Saturday, January 25th . Thank You.
almost 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
JH 7th Grade basketball tourney for Saturday, January 11, 2020 has been cancelled.
almost 5 years ago, Jeff Westbrook
Monday January 6, 2020, There will be normal bus transportation for Paw Paw High School students to Indian Creek High School.
almost 5 years ago, Jeff Westbrook
Junior High Boys Basketball will play on Monday, December 16th at 4:30 pm against Lisbon in the conference tournament. If they win on Monday, they will play Earlville on Tuesday at 4:30 pm. All games will be played at Millbrook.
about 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
Reminder that the Winter concert is this Thursday (12/12) at 6:30PM. Call time for K-4 is 6:15PM in their teacher's classroom. Call time for 5th grade beginning band and Junior high band choir is 5:45PM in the Music room. Please email or call Mr. Duffy before Wednesday if your student will not be able to attend the concert and if you have any other questions. Thank you! Email: jduffy@2paws.net Phone: 815-627-2841 ext238
about 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
5 Essentials Parent Survey is now open. Survfey is open until February 14, 2020. https://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/
about 5 years ago, Jeff Westbrook
Parents: Just to let you know the 8th Grade Night for Junior High Boy's Basketball and Junior High Cheerleading will be held on Wednesday December 11, 2019 during the last home game of the season. Thank You!
about 5 years ago, Eve Phillips
Parents & Guardians, I wanted to let you all know that today we had a problem with our boiler system. We called our system technicians and the local fire chief came to make sure everything was good. The students safety was our number one concern and they both assured us that we are safe to have school continue. I wanted to keep you all informed. If you have any Questions, please contact me. Have a great weekend, Eve Phillips
about 5 years ago, Eve Phillips